First, I'm glad to see Police clearing drug dealers and thieves off the streets. The problems that come with drugs are what bring the robbers, thieves and swindlers out.
Second, it is tragic that four officers were wounded in the raid. Police work is dangerous. a simple traffic stoop can lead to a fatal altercation. charging the door of a suspected armed assailant is not my idea of a fun time.
Third, it could have been done a better way. a criminal in his home is on familiar turf. They often have battle plans of some sort as to what they will do, and how they will react. it has been sixteen years since Agents of the ATF stormed the gates at Wacko Texas. That worked out real well!
Officers today could take a page from Serpico. He dressed as a vagrant, a drunk, and camped in the hall of his targets building. when the guy came out of his apartment, the fourth or fifth time, he was no longer on guard against this seemingly harmless fool and Serpico was able to arrest him with out incident.
Almost any perp will leave his lair once or twice a day. There is no reason for a no knock unless human life is at risk. The perps will be less well armed out on the street. Be honest, its hard to hide an AK under sweat pants. They will not be on familiar ground, and a safe take down can be accomplished.
With no knocks, mistakes happen. Its rare, but they do. Officers in Florida once bust in on an elderly couple in the middle of the night. He defended his home as any one would do. he died for his valiant efforts.
Any one can kick in a door and yell COPS! it happened in Texas when a girl was kidnapped by drug thugs.
I want our police to behave in an honorable way. We don't need jackbooted thuggery to police America. Smarter policing is the key. Come on guys, you are bright fellows. Life is a chess game, not a brawl. Besides, with all the drugs the typical thug uses, they only have a few brain cells to combat you with. I want you alive so I can insult you when you deserve it, not dead so then I'd never dare speak ill.
And I'll leave you with this:
2 hours ago
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