These kinds of articles are becoming all too prevalent, A kid is tazed at school after becoming unruly. Since it is a juvenile, we are not given a lot of details. I know we had unruly kids when I was young, and I've heard stories about kids from my parents era, but it seems things are getting worse, or am I wrong?
The thing that seems to be lacking is parental involvement. Many kids today are being raised in single parent households. I there is a step parent present, most take the hands off approach because its HER kid. One woman I know,a former coworker, divorced, three kids, remarried kids grown and gone. One night one of the kids got in trouble, it made the paper. Seems her husband said something about it, and not favorable of the kid. the next night when he returned home, his stuff was in the drive way and a sheriff's patrol arrived shortly to escort him away. When I heard about what had happened, I walked over to her and struck up a conversation. (You can see where this is going, can't you?)
As we talked, I swung the subject to kids, then let fly; " Man your kids have turned out to be a pack of hoodlums, haven't they?" (the other two were on probation.)
She had a totally shocked look on her face, and I got no reply. About a week later, I was working on her work system and she commented that I had the same attitude as her husband and the kids dad.
Funny that, kids need discipline.
Back to the subject here. Its hard to be a single parent, and harder still when both parents are involved with the kid. If one disciplines the little shit, then the kid gets obnoxious and wants to live with the other one. The parents spend a ton of time being Disney dads and moms instead of parents. My first wife was like that even when we were married.
Its hard, but even single parents need to be disciplinarians as well as nurturers. Kids need the line as much as they need the love, and the one who grow up with out one or the other turn out as problem adults.
There are a lot of fingers that can be pointed here, but the solution needs to start with our court system.
1. Don't allow divorce when children are in the home except under extreme circumstances.
2. In cases where divorce is granted, require both parents to be involved in raising the child. Do away with child support payments except in cases where one parent is totally unfit to be around the kids, or refuses to have anything to do with the kids. That should be incentive enough to keep dad in the picture. To keep nuisance accusations down, only admit cases where the parent has been prosecuted and found guilty. Since this will result in false accusations, make false accusations or coerced accusations grounds for termination of all rights. You file a false claim, you will never see your child again, bottom line.
3. Arrest judges and prosecutors who target parents for spanking their kids. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a felony, and that's what they are doing.
4. Design a paddle that can measure physical strike force and have it present in the court. When a child is brought up, require the parent to spank them using the paddle. Set a standard of 100 lbs force per year of the child, so a fifteen year old gets 1500 lbs of spanking, then make the parent administer it. subtract ten lbs from every blow, and when the parent is done, have the same number of blows administered by the bailiff to the parent. So if it takes you thirty blows to get to 1500 lbs, you are going to get thirty strokes, and you can bet the bailiff won't be gentle.
Now understand, I'm pulling numbers out of a hat here. It very well may be that a normal paddling would be a lot harder. In that case set the number so it would be double the normal force of a spanking blow times the age of the child.
5. If mama, or papa come into court and says their brat is an angel, double the punishment dealt the parent.
Our system has let these kids down. No, correction, it has sabotaged their lives, and in so doing our society.
And I'll leave you with this:
1 hour ago
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