Democrats are poised to take possibly the worst beating in a mid term ever. Incumbants have been challenged and in some cases defeated in bids for reelection. Even a few republicans have gotten the boot this primary season, and the message is clear. shape up or get shipped out. Tax payers are fed up with their crap.
Conservatives may win in 2010, and again in 2012. Here's the problem, memories fade, new voters grow up and have no clue as to what harm the dems do, and thanks to communist professors in our universities, they turn to socialism as the mythical cure all.
To make lasting change, we need a balanced budget ammendment. It needs to be strong, and it needs to address a lot of issues.
1. Tie gov spending to the GDP and unemployment. Establish a clear method of calculating unemployment that takes into account all the people who are underemployd, or not eligible for benefits as well as folks who chose to stay at home.
2. Establish an unemployment threshold of say 4%. anything over, and the gov, all govs must cut spending by 1/4% for every percent of unemployment per quarter. 5% unemployment in the 1q, the budgets get an accross hte board hit. No improvement by the 2nd Q? another slash. unemployment returns to 4% in the 3rd? no cut, but no gov growth either.
3. Limit borrowing. None from foreign entities, whether gov or individuals, and no borrowing except in time of war, and only for war necessities.
4. Slash entitlements. cut the umbilical cord for businesses and foreign governments as well as the lazy.
5. Establish a system whereby the gov takes in taxes in one quarter, determines a budget based on the ammount collected, then spends it the following quarter. We may need to offset the periods, so the collection quarters end in Mar, June, sept, and Dec, and the spending ones start in May, Aug, Nov, and Feb.
6. Eliminate retirement for all elected officials as well as cabinate positions. Require twenty years of service to collect a dime, no matter what the job.
It aint gonna happen, power corrupts, and the best man will turn on his voters after a month in Washington. I know it, you know it, but we still send the SOBs back.
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