That the definition of an honest politician is, Once he is bought, he stays bought.
The sad part of that is that it appears to be too true. I borrowed a vehicle from a friend this weekend. His radio presets were for talk radio stations, and being a little lazy, I just listened to them as I drove. Normally I steer clear of Beck, Hannity, and above all Rush. Nothing against them, I agree with most of what they say, I just don't need my arteries steam cleaned, as they tend to make my blood boil.
We face a variety of possible roads here in America. We can accept the status quo, where scum like Soros buy and sell politicians, and make them dance like puppets on wires, or we can rebell. In the form of grass roots candidates that is, We can send a message to the power players in Washington by not sending back the folks they back. From Nancy P Lousy to Bitch McConnell. we need to send them all home with tar and feathers adorning their heads. regular house cleaning must become the norm if we are to keep from becoming a country ruled by arseristocraps. maybe we already are.
Carreer politicians? we should never allow them! Boot camp at the local level, brush league at state, then a trip to the majors, but keep it short and sweet. Don't allow them to think they are special. These folks need to be reminded that the represent the people in their home states, not the elite in Washington.
I fear a rebellion in our country. Too many sinister plotters are waiting in the wings for a chance to spring. No matter the best intentions of the folks who might rebell, our nation would be weakened by any such uncivil war, and they would attack. From muslims to despicable dictators, we would face a multitude of armies set on destroying our way of life. We have been a beacon of liberty for many generations, a shining beam of hope for the opressed of the world.
Even as tyrants here seek to enslave, tyrants abroad seek to destroy.
Are we prepared to take on all comers? the ride could begin at any moment.
A sign of the IQ level of some Democrats
3 minutes ago
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