Elena Communist Kagan has cleared the Senate Judiciary committee as hack Lindsey Graham became the sole RINO to back her. I'd say kick him out of hte party, but then the dems would have another filabastard majority.
Republican need to stop Kagan. She is an anti military communist cut from the same defective cloth as Barry the bungler. Can she be any worse then Stevens? I would say yes. Stevens rarely, but occasionally showed a thread of common sense. She so far has not.
She has no experience that matters. She has been a professor. We all know the addage, them that can do, those who can't teach. She taught. Her experience in the class room has no bearing on judicial abilities.
Frankly, when it comes to judges, honesty and common sense are the most important details, and the two most often lacking in Lawyers. no court should have a more then a strong minority of lawyers on it, 45% max. Judicial candidates should be divided into two groups, Law Judges, and Lay Judges. Any person with a college major in law, prelaw, criminal science or political science should be classified as a law judge. Those without as lay judges. It takes common sense, honesty, fair mindedness, and integrity to be a judge. Kagan lacks all of these.
Brownback and Roberts will vote no, as will most conservatives. Graham, Snowe, Gregg, Brown and Collins are apt to desert the republicans and vote yes. Call The Senate, and leave a message for these folks, and if they vote yes, REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.
7 minutes ago
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