Its one thing to not notice somebody in a gorilla suit when you are following instructions. Quite another to ignore one that is mugging you. American Pravda once again is being pimped by the NAACP. Fearful of dwindling numbers, and the growth of the tea party movement, the NAACP called them racist and decried them. Who are the racists? from my seat it would appear to be the NAACP. racism is far from dead in the United States, but among whites it rarely rears its foolish head. Most whites want equality for all people. We are tired of getting robbed by hte government who then takes our hard earned dollars and gives them to the lazy. We want equality because the dead weight will destroy this nation.
America can remain a great nation, or the race war poverty pimps like Sharpton, Jackson and Obama can destroy it.
A new review of my favorite textbook
12 minutes ago
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