Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What kind of idiot

What kind of idiot does it take to elect a scumbag like Jihad keith Ellison to the US House? Are Minnesotans that daft? Has extended periods of cold weather so damaged their brains? I know, I know, he was elected by a district in the Pigs Eye landing area that is over flowing with Somalian Mooslimes. The kind of people who gleefully send their sons off to join Al Quada. Frankly, they should send Keith as well.
This douchbag pedophile worshiping asshole with ears got on Hannity and went postal. This goat rapist cannot see that ObamAA- is a fearmongerer, and a fraud. Maybe that is because he is too stupid to figure it out. After all, he does belong to the religion of piss.
Sean, you were right to end the interview. You should not have wasted time on this scum sucker in the first place.
As for Minnesotans, If you can't do better then Ellison and Franken, maybe you should return to territorial status.


Wraith said...

I'm FROM Minnesota...

...for a reason.

Gregory said...

Anyone have a recording of the Hannity show?

Gregory said...

Never mind. Easy to find on youtube.

JeremyR said...

Wraith, you poor man. I'd never admit it since I was.
Born and raised close to Verdi. First wife grew up near Cazenovia.
I guess part of Minnesota's problem is that when the kids grow up, the sane ones leave.