Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Children of a lesser god

How best to describe the democrats? Maybe children of less GOD? They certainly don't want to live their lives by scripture. Every immorality would certainly describe their various positions, every vice cited by Paul they readily embrace whether it is homosexuality or killing children, there isn't anything mentioned in Scripture they would not embrace, so it is a surprise to me that they are enlisting the help of a supposed Evangelical, Derrick Harkins, to help them make inroads to attack the core of President Trump's supporters. I won't call Harkins a reverend, his positions reflect nothing in the Bible. Well, maybe the stuff that got Sodom leveled, he is all in for "rejoicing in the queerness of God". Sorry, the Bible is not pick and choose. Some folks like to discredit the writings of Paul. He  was not one of the original twelve, did not mentor under any of the twelve, and argued with Peter on at least one occasion. Yet, it is Peter whom he debated who clearly stated that his letters were authoritative. Even if Peter had not made clear that Paul's writings were inspired, The Old Testament still has condemnation for homosexuality, adultery, drunkenness, and every vice the dems so love.
I won't go so far as to call them godless. The simple fact is we all have a god, even the most ardent atheist. In their case, they alone are the god of their lives. Ironic that the verse chosen by Timothy McVeigh chooses the name GOD used in introducing himself to Moses, stating "I Am the master of my fate, and surely, GOD alone has imparted final judgement. Tim chose to be his own god, write his own rules and lived, then died accordingly. That more liberal thinkers don't go off the rails is amazing, but then again, the liberals are killing each other day and night in their inner city sanctums.
Tonight the dems kicked off their 2020 circus. No, I didn't watch the debased err debate, I had nothing better to do, but why waste time listening to people whose values run so counter to my own that I wouldn't give them the time of day. I envision a typical lefty hate fest, Moderator, "which of you hates President Trump the most?"
All ten in unison, "I do, no I do, you don't hate him near as much as meeee." Seriously, Booker? Beta? Liarwatha? Klowncar? Debaso? Castro ? not Fidel. if he were alive to run, he'd sweep the field. Tomorrow night fools err folks get to hear Bidet and Slanders. Every policy position that any of them have has been immediately taken up by all the rest. reparations to free college, free hell care, you name it, every plank from the far left garbage of places like Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea would fit right in.
Speaking of Cuba and Castro, his former henchman also made the news. A cafe opened in his honor and bearing his name is in full swing in San Diego, a place where radical ideas may be openly discussed. radical like supporting Trump? Nope, that will get you booted out the door. PragerU's Will Witt attempted to educat a few of them about what a kind loving soul Che was. Didn't go over too well. History is not a leftard's strong suit, but then, neither are math, physics, chemistry, engineering, medicine.......
You get the point. The fine folks like Prager and project veritas work hard to expose what leftism is, and just like in Tunnel vision, the world shrugs their shoulders and asks for more socialism. GOD, help us, there is no where left to turn. Especially given what the donks are pushing out these days.

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