The DHS has revealed that 90% of invaders claiming asylum do not show up for their hearings. Are you underwhelmed? Yeah, me too.
We have known from the get go that these fake claims were merely a ploy to get released into the United States. They gambled and got caught, but thanks to the judicial over reach, are allowed in for any of a thousand piss poor reasons.
As many people have pointed out, we need to begin enforcing the law on employers who hire illegals. Once a few thousand employers get hammered, others will think long and hard about risking the wrath of the people.
At the same time though, we need to work at getting legal workers here to fill some of the jobs we are creating. As I have said, if the choice is giving a high pay job to an H1B applicant from India or a native citizen, I want the good job to go to the U.S. citizen. At the same time, those low pay minor jobs like taco bell, and Macnasty burger? Lets get the people who are willing to work for those positions. We need some checks in place though first, we need to make it where they cannot abuse our medical system, our welfare system, our assisted housing system or any form of government aid.
Acknowledging that health care is important, if they have a job, require that their employer provide basic medical coverage which includes birth control like depovara. At the same time we need to ensure they are not treated like slave labor.
The welfare slugs, the criminals, the drug mules and the breeders can all stay south of the border, and preferably south of Mexico too.
Now to the assliar problem, err asylum problem. Automatic denial for any one who comes form a country not bordering the United States. That should cut the backlog by 99%. There was a report of a large group from Central Africa who arrived in Austin Texas. The entire lot should have been shipped back to Africa. Not by plane, stick them on a super tanker bound for Saudi Arabia. I'd say make them work, but the risk of them taking over the ship is too great, lock them in a large cage on the deck and make sure they have a canvas in case of any storms at sea.
As far as any who arrive with claims which warrant investigation, including those coming from Satan worshiping countries that were imported by the SCoaMF, provide them temporary housing where they can effectively be contained, Hawaii, the big island is one option, Bikini atoll is another. Yes, my favorite choice is the big island. There are plenty of wild pigs there, and they can feast on pork all year long.
All that being said, the biggest issue we can deal with at our level is making sure that only real conservatives get selected to run in 2020. We need a house and Senate that will back president Trump when he is right, but firmly put him in his place when he screws up like he did with his bump stock ban. That issue right there is the most important. Allowing his mistaken over reach opens the door to the next communist we screw up and elect to place a ban on all semi automatic weapons, or worse, all guns period.
Things are not going to get better in this country. The next generation foolishly believes the lies they were spoon fed by academia that capitalism is bad and communism is great. We must fight hard now, or lose the battle forever. Not to be a skeptic, but I am betting on losing simply because of how I understand the Bible and human nature.
Please please PLEASE, prove me wrong.
Closing thoughts, y'all have a good night.
49 minutes ago
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