To all those who believe it is their solemn duty to restrict speech and adamantly attack any word, thought or action they find abhorrent, The Supreme Court has ruled that even the trademark office can't restrict words. The most striking part of this ruling is that Gorsuch and Kagan are on the same side. Oh, and what ever social(ist) justice whore is thinking for Ruth bad-bitch Ginsberg is probably toeing the university enshrined attacks on freedom of speech and press. he, she or (sh)it was not quoted in the article.
In short, a company named FUCT for Friends U Can't Trust went to trademark their logo. The trademark office found it repulsive.... Why? Do they consider Barry or HiLlARy a friend? Maybe they have friends who are dems? maybe they are dems and don't want people to know they an't be trusted.
In any case, just as Slant got to trademark their Band's name, FUCT gets to trademark their shirts and stuff.
The beatings will continue until the leftists get their way or are killed. I for one don't want them to get their way. *ouch*
Date night in Macon County
20 minutes ago
The law, court rulings and societal norms DO NOT APPLY to the left....never have.
And never will until they meet GOD. Can they say oops?
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