I think we can all remember the opening sequences of Red Dawn. After the invaders landed, there was a brief shot of a bumper bearing the trademark "you can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead fingers which then pans down to the Cuban officer removing the pistol from his lifeless grip.
We say it, how many of us mean it? Are we really willing to die for a piece of cold steel?
We live in the last bastion of freedom in the world. Socialism has taken root in nearly every society on the planet. In some cases it has moves swiftly such as Venezuela where the population was disarmed only a few years ago, in others it has been a more gradual cancer like in Canada where access to hospitals in the United States has held disaster at bay.
In some places the population is fighting back, places like England where Brexit is grinding through the motions or de-peonizing Europe.
This rant though is about us here in the U.S. Are you ready to fight? Like it or not, a fight is coming. We are in a civil war. Truth no longer matters, government of the people is no longer happening. Communists, jihadists, and a lot of other "ists" want their way.
Looking around at the world over the past century, we can catch a glimpse of what awaits us. It is not pretty. Let me share a hidden truth with you. You will most likely die in the coming fight. World events should convince you of that. I'm going to ignore the atrocities of WW's 1 and 2 and focus on the dark continent, Africa. In 1994 following the death of the President of Rwanda, the Hutu population rose up and massacred the Tutsi members. The men were systematically killed, often with machetes. The women were subsequently raped, often by HIV positive men recruited for the specific purpose of spreading HIV among the Tutsi population. Moving forward a few years, we have the muslim hoards killing parents and carting the girls off to be sexual slaves and forced conversion to satanism err islam.
Think about that as you mentally prepare yourself for the coming shitshow. If you are killed, what will be their next step? Will they rape your wife? will they assault your daughters? Might they also molest your sons? Yes, muslims and many other perversions crave young boys.
Have you taught your wife to shoot? If a mob of crazy militants were to kill you,what would she do? would she lay down her weapon and surrender? What then?
It has been twenty five years since the atrocities happened in Rwanda. While the younger members of our population might know nothing about this, for older folks, it should still be riveted in their minds.
When things go south, you won't be fighting to win. It won't be an option on the table. You will be fighting for the souls of your family. How much torture could you take? In the book "Voice of the Martyrs", it tells the story of a Chinese Christian who was tortured and forced to renounce Christ. After he was free, guilt hung heavy on him, and he marched in the streets proclaiming, "My name is Peter, I have denied my LORD."
Just as with the daughters of Christians held by satan's vermin Boko Haran in Kenya and Nigeria, how will your kin be treated?
For my part, I want my wife to understand the hell that awaits if she is captured alive by any of the islamist groups. I want my children and their kids to understand what would await them if they fell into the hands of such people.
This is a reality that could very well await us. The Bible speaks volumes about the end times, things which should terrify you. Do not take GOD's word lightly. As for me, when the day comes, I will fight as hard as necessary to make sure they kill me rather than capture me, and hope my wife will opt for the same fate.
So yes, when that day comes, they will need to pry my gun from my cold dead fingers. I will be the man dead behind his truck.Then, they can have my gun. they will already have my bullets.
Closing thoughts, y'all have a good night.
37 minutes ago
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