The current situation regarding President Trump's proposed tariffs on Mexico and China helps just a bit in understanding the premise that the Morill tariffs of 1860 sparked the Civil War. First, the Tariff was bottled up in the democrat controlled Senate and would never have advanced had the southern senators not resigned.
Why was the south opposed to the Morill tariffs? Those tariffs were on Imports, and most of southern commerce was exporting cotton. There would be zero duty on the cotton leaving, and the goods most effected were manufactured goods that were in demand as the north industrialized.
Second, the United States Government had less than $500,000 cash on hand against millions in unpaid bills. It was fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the democrats to not raise revenues. If the government defaulted on just debts, that would have created a financial crisis and risked plunging the economy into rapid inflation as happened in Germany during the Wiemar years.
Tariffs did pose a real danger in one way. They impacted shipping. in the 1850's the only way to move cotton to Europe was via sailing ships. (Duh) empty sailing ships are not easy to handle. They ride high in the water, and the mast becomes difficult to control as the center of mass rises even further. No ship's captain or pilot would want to travel far in uncertain weather with a ship empty. Factor in that ships traveling from Europe to America were traveling against the prevailing winds and you begin to understand the problem. So, no imports, no empty ships to haul cotton back to European markets. Therein lies the real issue for opposition to Morill, and sound government policy be damned.
Today things are much different. Ships are powered by diesel, we have effective radar monitoring of the weather, and the cost of moving an empty ship back to China can be factored into the costs of the goods on the full ones coming here.
We are in the early stages of a (un)civil war. We are not shooting back, but we are certainly under attack from the left, just like in 1858. The media is not telling the truth just like in 1858.
If this civil war goes hot, we will be out numbered three to one, possibly six to one. Our "side" contains a large number of traitors, men who would sell their own mother to the KGB for a pair of blue jeans.(note 1)
America is fairly evenly divided between conservatives and radical communists, the problem is that most of the conservative people are easily pushed around. they will tolerate a lot of abuse and not fight back simply because they are too busy supporting family and dealing with life. Remember, only about 3% of the colonists took up arms in the Revolution. The rest remained busy with their farms plantations, stores and businesses. Contrast that to the left where every opportunity to protest draws hundreds of clowns who come in planning to stir trouble and spark fights. We saw it at every Trump rally during the 2016 election, we saw it at Charleston and we see it on the streets of our major cities. The left has many idle hands ready for mischief.
That is not to say we will lose. while they are rabble and rowdy, they don't have discipline, they lack fighting skills and most have never been in the military. The few who have were booted for being attitude and discipline cases.
The globalists stand in opposition to President Trump. Main street people love him and his policies. they like that he fights where most republicans roll over and play possum, or join ranks with the communists. Do not expect many in Congress to stand with the President. They will side with the big money owners and say screw the voters like they have done so often in the past.
Bitch McConnell has been working to fill vacancies in the Judiciary. President Trump is nominating them, and the Senate is approving them. Watch closely though, many are as decepticon as Supreme injustice of the Court Turncoat Roberts who stabbed the Constitution in the back with his twisted logic ruling on Oblowme care.
Yup, we are in for a fight. Stay ready.
1. Three Russian boys were staring at a pair of blue jeans on a cloths line. The first boys says, "I wish I had an AK-47, I would go steal a pair of jeans like that."
The second boy says, "I wish I had ten thousand rubles, I would go buy a pair of blue jeans like that".
The third boy says, "I wish I had a mother and father."
The other boys stare at him in disbelief.
He continues, "Then I would turn them in to the KGB for a pair of blue jeans, just like my sister did."
Closing thoughts, y'all have a good night.
2 hours ago
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