One of the biggest screw ups in Supreme Court history has to be the appointment of John Paul Stevens to the bench. Stevens was known for his work on anti-trust cases and was a registered republican much like the insufferable fool John Roberts.
Once he was on the Supreme Court, his true colors began to show, again, like Roberts. Stevens helped explode infant murder in the United States, and his hate for orthodox Christianity led him to actively support perverse marriage.
After his overdue departure from the bench, the dottering fool made many attacks on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and other things conservatives and Christians hold dear.
GOD gave Stevens many opportunities to repent before ending his life on earth with a stroke. Steven's destination for eternity is unknown to me, GOD has judged him. I believe our country would have been better off without him, but given the sentiments of our nation as a whole, we deserved him and the resulting degradation of our society as a whole.
America is in it's waning days. We are fools if we believe America will rise from the rubble liberalism has created. While President Trump has done much, we the people have done very little. We should be marching on Washington demanding that the four fools be booted from the House. We should ring the building and peacefully protest and make our voices heard. not a hundred, not a thousand, not a million or ten million. Every person who has benefited From President Trump's handling of the nation should join arms and let Nancy P. Lousy and her band of excrement know what we believe.
Won't happen though, I have to work Saturday and be back on Monday. Instead, the world will be treated to a continuation of the 24/7 mind numbing Bull Crap that comes from CNNBCBS and their perky pretty faces full of lies and deception.
GOD, help us for we refuse to help our selves.
And I'll leave you with this:
2 hours ago
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