The nation and the media got a rude wake up call yesterday as Bobby Mueller made a joke of himself in front of Congress. The man who once directed the FBI could not understand questions, rambled like a drunk, and appeared not to know what the report his staff authored contained.
For the last two years, Don Surber has been referring to him as bungling Bobby Mueller. Did yesterday make Don's point? Is the man who graduated Princeton, became a Marine Officer, and headed the FBI really that much of a mumbling fool? is it dementia? The man is a mere 74 years young.
To be clear, Mueller had about as much to do with the actual investigation as J. Edgar Hoover. He was a figurehead. The FBI and DOJ had already hand picked a team to do the dirty work, a rabid band of Trump hating far left filth the like of which would be better suited to government in Cuba or Venezuela than in the United States.
I did not watch the performance, but reading all the accounts, it seems to me that his performance was a bit over the top. The first rule of a court hearing is never ask a question you do not know the answer to. Surely even the idiots who now lead the donks in Congress know better than to bring in some one with out preparation.
Nasty P. Lousy comes across as a ditz, but she has become very rich through her manipulation of the power of the speaker-ship.
I see this as a last grasp to keep the Russian collusion delusion alive through the 2020 election cycle. After a brief time allotment to let this all sink in, the donks can now claim the investigation was botched because Mueller was losing his faculties. thus they can drag out HiLlARy's evil deeds and Barry's attempt at a coup beyond 2020 and possibly 2024. keep the dream alive.
The communist candidates are running on anger platforms. They can't mention the economy, it is soaring. With the demise of ObamAA- care, they can fuel a little hate among the marginal income people who are not eligible for food stamps and welfare and thus don't get medicaide, but that won't fire up the masses.
I see this as a move to de-legitimize the exoneration of President Trump and fuel the pipe dream they have clung to for the past three years. With out this hope,their base is demoralized and will likely stay home on election day. This is a political Hail Mary, nothing more.
And I'll leave you with this:
2 hours ago
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