Mariana Flores was a sophomore at UCSD when she participated in a protest against the results of the 2016 election that attempted to shut down the I-5 freeway. During the course of their attempt to create havoc, Mariana was hit and seriously injured by a driver. Mariana sued the driver and UC San Diego as well as the board of Regents. That suit hit the trash bin this week. The judge ruled that the university was not responsible for her injuries, and now it has been determined that the driver, who was uninsured, has no assets worth going after.
I feel sorry for Mariana. Life is tough. its tougher when you are stupid, and it gets really tough when you don't learn from your mistakes. Had she and her fellow stupids refrained from playing in traffic, she would not have become the target of a driver who just wanted to get somewhere. Being that this happened in Mexifornia, I'd wager that the driver was either an illegal, or a HiLlARy supporter.
Mariana suffered a crushed pelvis, fractured leg and other assorted minor injuries which when added to the paralysis she has from the neck up means she won't be a productive member of society any time soon.
Breitbart reports that this was not the only traffic blocking protest. Some professors from Hahhvahrd were arrested for blocking traffic, and I am told that students in Wyoming blocked a road, but gave up after 93 hours when no traffic appeared.
Seriously, our country is in trouble. These immature idiots do not understand that they don't always get their way. Plenty of people were pissed off when Bary Soetoro was elected. None of us blocked traffic or rioted. We had to be to work the following morning and hoped we still had a job as hs ability to crush commerce and industry became a reality.
I hope Mariana learned something. With a screwed up hip she has even less chance of dodging Dodges, and no one should have to live with the grim reality that the bug brained bozo they killed was supposedly a human being.
And I'll leave you with this:
2 hours ago
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