This is a repeat performance of an encore of a repeat performance. President Trump tweets, liberal heads explode, and they madly rush to take a position the polar opposite of what ever it was President Trump insulted. At this point, he could end abortion in America by coming out in favor of it, at least tweeting support for planned infanticide.
Last week's target was the Profit Elijah Cummings' home district in Baltimore. A place that makes Chiraq look like a safe cities success story. The President repeated statements made by many people in recent years noting the high crime, rampant filth, and infestation of rodents.
The elitist donks all took a stance defending the "Charm City". Six weeks from now Baltimore will be largely forgotten and the blight and the plight of the residents will continue unabated.
Does anyone remember the Tide to go commercials? There was one where a drill sergeant, inspecting his troops, spots a stain on a tee shirt. He goes on a tirade, and while he is ranting, the troops pass a Tide to go down the back sides to the hapless recruit who cleans the shirt. Then when the Drill Instructor turns around, it is *gone* and he flips out even worse.
f the donks had a synapse among them, they'd head over en-mass to Baltimore and spend a few hours cleaning up the mess. Pitch a few mattresses in the garbage, toss trash in dumpsters, and give it a one day make over, then drag the camera crews through, see? This aint that bad" sort of ordeal.
But alas, donks working is a pipe dream. The rich donks want their illegals to do the dirty work, and the poor donks dream of the day they win the lottery and can afford to hire an illegal.
Baltimore will stay a disaster. Blacks will continue to kill blacks, drugs will flow and the whole sordid process won't change one bit. Okay, it may get worse. When we consider what has transpired in San Franfreakshow where people now shit in the streets, or Los Angeles where typhus is a major threat, and consider the way they were, Baltimore may be in for even darker days.
Same for St Louis. Same for Detoilet. Ditto Chiraq.
Meanwhile in New York City, DeBlasshole wants more bike paths. If you look around carefully, bikes are the transportation of choice in third world countries. The cities calling for more bikes are mostly democrat run, and dem run place are becoming shit holes.
Anybody see a pattern here?
And I'll leave you with this:
2 hours ago
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