Its not so much that morale in the Army stinks as that the brass is clueless about how to deal with low morale. In 2000 some one came up with the idea to switch everyone into distinctive headgear to address flagging moral. It has taken ten years to admit the idea back fired. Instead of jacking the egos of the rank and file, it cut on the elite men who had struggled to earn the black beret.
Moral will always be a problem for the military. Its a cold hard fact. The Army is not what every kid in high school envisions. Its more like Beetle Baily then we care to let on, Incompetence at high levels, lack of training at mid levels, and the lowest guys on the pole get all the shit they can handle.
Some commanders know what to do to get the guys fired up. Some can even keep em fired up for months and years. it aint easy. Young bucks full of testosterone and adrenaline and no out let except the skanks down town.
recruiters lie, its a fact of life. Every kid joins believing the recruiters word was gospel, its not. Much of what soldiers do is dreary boring repetition, check torque on wheel lugs every day. inspect the tread for dry rot and cuts deeper then 1/4 inch etc. The routine is just that, routine and boredom. The army lacks the money to adequately train where boredom would not set in. That aside we do have the best trained army in the world, make no mistake. They are the best equipped, and the best led, but morale will always be an issue.
The nifty cap trick of 1973 revisited in 2001 is now officially a thing of the past. Like the Pentomic division, it was not all it was cracked up to be, the previous plan was better.
What can help morale? how about a thank you next time you see a soldier on the street. The kids like to know they are appreciated even when its months of boredom for ten minute of action. Send a card to a unit, especially one in theater. let em no you care. If you don't agree with the mission, that's alright, the men are still American boys, not monsters like some portray them.
Well, he seemed like a nice enough young man.....
3 minutes ago
I hate the us military because of their affirmatyive action bu*sh*t. I saw girls who did less work than I get promoted past my pay grade in one half the time it took me to get to my paygrade. I know of one female who made E-9 in only 16 years. What a bunch of crap. Most males of that time had to re-enlist at least 6 times to make E-9. and the damned government has installed actual retards in positions of supervision and authority over normal working people. What a bunch of crap and a waste of taxpayer money.
As Denny says, all hail diversity.
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