My ex brother in law had a name for stupid people, he refered to them as not overly bright award winners. This weeks award goes to Patrickfitzmichael for his comments at From the Left.
Patty, author of Two Gay Bullies isn't gay. In fact, this pervert is a bitter SOB. He loves him some muslims though because muslims kill Christians, and Patty hates Christians. Pat knows that muslims would slit his throat in a New York minute if they got a chance, yet he sides with them. His blog is a screed against anything and anybody that speaks up against his perversion. I guessI should nor be supriced. As we draw closer to the end times, perversions will increase. What was once kept in the closet will fill the front pages. Any one who has read hte Bible knows that. It is people like PatrickFitzMichael who confirm for me that there is a GOD.
really, Pat, you should read Frank Turek's book, you kight learn something, then again most likely not.
The UN is full of people like this...
5 minutes ago
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