Poor Don, he tried to school libs on class. his resident liberals failed it. There is something wrong inside the liberal brain. First, we see violent tendencies. Tea Party Protests in several locations last year turned violent when leftist agitators showed up. It was not the TEA party folks who went over the edge, it was the SEIU thugs who did.
Projection seems to be a big part of it. Liberals accused Bush of launching an illegal war. never mind that liberal politicians had been screaming for years about Saddam's WMDs. never mind that Saddam spent nearly a decade interfering with attempts to verify his WMDs. Now we have an illegal war. Not a peep from the left.
Projection seems to be a leftist trait. They accuse conservatives of everything under the sun. Some times republicans are dirty, some times not. What is a constant factor though IMHO is that the democrats are covered in it.
Don was kind enough to post a language warning in advance. It was needed.
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