Their own house.
For as long as I can remember, presidential capmaigns have kicked off with hte Iowa caucus followed by the New Hampshire Primary. I think it time to change all that. Since the republicans use a winner take all approach, the primaries should be grouped into sets of five, and rotated between the states. Ten primary days in which designated states are spot lighted, but above all, rotate the spots. The next items is that since the primaries are a party issue, close them. No switching parties, no open ballots. Every one should be registered by party if they want to play at least six months in advance. If you move, set the traditional window, but verify the person was on the party list in their old location.
They also need to limit the impact the liberal press has. In this modern age, We have alternate means then hte old school media. Twitter and facebook connect millions. It would be possible to host debates and rallies without hte press needing to be involved.
the present system is like having the Japanese help plan the invasion of Iwo Jima. Granted, our military helped them plan Midway, and look at the results, disaster.
Our present front slitherer is a man from a liberal Bastion. Even when a republican wins, they are hard to differentiate from their democrat counterparts. Scott Brown has been a disappointment for traditional republicans. Yes its good to have him in the slot, better by far then Kerry, But hs is still not a Pawlenty or a Brownback. In order to change that, we need to nullify the influence of the uber liberal press.
The UN is full of people like this...
5 minutes ago
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