Todays example of liberal failure comes from Denver where an imigrant from Sudan, Jimma Reat, was attacked on the freeway by some typical Denver scum who threw bottles breaking windows in the vehicle Jimma was in. Jimma's cousin phoned 911, and was told by the dispatch to return to the scene of the crime. When they did, the fine Denver residents also returned, this time with a gun, and Jimma was shot dead. For those of you who have never looked at a map, Colorado is a liberal state, or more correctly, Denver and much of the east slope is a liberal bastion in an otherwise conservative state.
I have no idea what started the confrontation, Nothing in the report is clear on it. We don't kow if Jimma almost ran some one off the road, knocked up the shooters sister, gave his brother AIDs, or just had the misfortune of attracting attention from the wrong crowd. My guess is the last. The vehicle used by the attackers was found, and later reported stolen by its owner. That gives rise to two possibilities, the owner was involved, or it was drug or gang involvment. Denver has its share of both.
How seriously fucked up is it though that a 911 dispatcher would tell some one to go back to where they were attacked at? Would you send some one back into a building when they call reporting a gas odor? Do they tell victims of abuse to go home and wiat for their spouse to return?
Citizens of Denver, you earned this, and it may very well cost you a bundle. It, along with bad, expansive government is what you get when you vote dumb as crap err dumbass crap, shit, I mean democrat.
Jimma's family is no stranger to tragedy. His uncle was the victim of another unsolved homicide in December. Whther the murders have connections is an unknown. What is known, is that Denver 911 fucked up.
Incidentally, Denver is also not friendly to the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Its illegal to have an AR-15 in Denver with a 30 round mag. merely driving through on I-70 could land you in trouble. The criminal establishment will confiscate your gun, extort money, and smear your good name. I guess their goal is to be the Washington DC hellhole of the midwest.
Rules for thee but not for me
49 minutes ago
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