Its been an interesting week for the ASPCA folks. They are perpetually angry about how people treat animals, and I'm sure were ready to attack Romney with both barrels for his treatment of their dog. What a laugh. Ever ridden in a truck with a dog? As soon as the window is down, they are hanging their face in the wind, so to be on top of the car ratehr then in it would be no great pain, unless the carrier was waaay too small.
Now its Obamaa+'s turn. In one of Bill Ayers books, it is claimed that He ate dog. Seriously. Its no big deal really, Many cultures do it, and if people don't, well, insects and rodents do. Still, he is a lefty, the kind of weirdo that wants to give voter rights to worms, so its fair game.
My question of the week though is does he still eat dog? or do he and Sasquach not engage in oral sex?
Mother of the Year
8 minutes ago
or do he and Sasquach not engage in oral sex?
"not engage in oral sex"......hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. That was beautiful. Made my day.
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