Worthless Willie is a one of a kind. He is a man who can rape women and still have the National Association of Gals back him 100%. He can lie to Congress, lie to the courts, and lie to the American people, and no one seems to care. His days of glory are over though, and with advancing age, he will eventually slide into history, albeit one written by leftarded professors in communist indoctrination facilities.
Cankles the unfuckable may also be slipping off the stage. Sure, the press is covering her fuck ups, or were they intentional, in Benghazi, but enough people have seen her ugly side to not want her in power.
Alas, the end of the legacy is not to be. Anthony Weinar, and his bag of tricks bitch of a wife are back at it. While Tweeter peter is up to his old stunts, one upping Worthless Willies sleeze, his wife is fast tracking America's destruction from her position at state.
This is a repeat of the debacle of 1992. We have a sleeze bag politician and a corrupt wife who is cheated on, but covers for her unfaithful louse err spouse. Yes, its not the presidential campaign, but this sicko has national asperations. not happy with fucking a few whores behind his woman's back, he wants to screw America, and he is back in the running to do it.
I expect to soon see FOX news in bed with the rest of the lame stream media. They are supposedly owned by Communist China now. Good bye news, hello propaganda. I guess Al Jizz er ah the mooslime shit fest isn't bad enough.
We. Are. Screwed.
Well, she seems qualified
41 minutes ago
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