Friday, January 26, 2018


The GOP congressional investigation is escalating as the "Russian Probe" reaches desperation stage. Mule-ears leaked plans to question President Trump. Don Surber opined that Trump should do the interview live on Television, and limit it to one hour.
For my part, I disagree. If this were a genuine investigation, I would agree. It is not. This is a witch hunt designed to over  throw a duly elected government, a coup if you prefer. Mueller is not an honest investigator. The former top corrupt cop made a disaster of the anthrax investigation shortly after 9-11-01. His keystone kop partner, Commie err Comey, was picked to replace him. The same Comey who allowed corruption and political intrigue to stop the investigation of a true corrupt connection to Russia and other foreign players, the Clinton E-mail scandal. Mueller is not an honest investigator by any stretch.
Mueller started off by packing his "team" with the most partisan hacks in the FBI and DOJ. Two, FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ liar err lawyer, Lisa Page, were caught red handed and exposed for their corruption. Convince me the rest are clean, Mueller knew what he was getting when he chose them.
Contrary to Politico's headline, the special council is getting desperate. A full year on, they have given us nothing. The only connections to Russia have come by way of the congressional probe which has shown that HiLlARy traded American Uranium assets for bribes called donations to the Clinton Global(ist) initiative. I personally believe that Former teleprompter reader Barry was in this as well, all the way up to George Soros' knuckles.
Is it ironic that some of the people involved were involved also in the white wash garbage done by Commie? The people behind this are NGOs, people who are spreading cash and wanting a prime return. President Trump, and his platform stand as a barrier to their best laid plans. More than that, they are at risk of their deep state plans being exposed for all to see.
So where do we go from here? It might be time to put the FBI on the shelf so to speak, turn every agent with political aspirations out to pasture and start over. Many of those who worked on the cover up of Clinton should be prosecuted and stripped of all benefits. 20 years in the FBI? Sorry you wasted it, no retirement, no severance pay. A felony conviction on their record and shipped off to GITMO where terrorists belong.
When we then repopulate the FBI, bar from consideration people who attended marxist universities. strip the globalist influence away completely. In fact, I would suggest that the FBI recruit solely from the ranks of the military.  Chose from a cadre of people who are committed to America, patriotic and loyal to the nation, not hacks beholden to a political party or the people who seek to control it.
I would also limit the power the FBI has. Investigative assistance, no SWAT style hostage rescue, no authority to arrest, investigate, then pass the information to the DOJ who evaluates it and if an arrest is warranted, hands it to the U.S. Marshals, the Constitutional law enforcement body.

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