Pastor Curtis Knapp of New Hope baptist Church in Seneca has raised a fire storm. he preached a sermon last week about homosexuality. Now, personally, I have nothing against homosexuals. The ones I have met seem like nice enough people. My GOD condemns it though, so who am I to argue with GOD? A lot of people are comparing him to Phreaky Phreddy of West burro fame. There is no comparison. Phelps and his crowd are angry and bitter. They have the exact oposite effect that They should. If ever a man set out to give Christianity and the right stance regarding homosexuals a black eye, that person is Phelps.
Curtis Knapp is no such person, but you would not know that from reading either the article or the comments.
I believe that GOD is. Its not enough to say there is a god, common sence says we did not happen by a mere accident, a mutation of chemicals in a primative cesspool. The natural order is degeneration, and we should not be degenerates, we are, but... I also believe that GOD has made his desire for us known. I do not believe that we were left here to discover it all on our own.
Our nation has sunk to depths unimaginable twenty years ago. We were getting pretty bad back then. I am prolife. I believe that abortion is murder. That mass of cells is a child, inocent and blameless, and that to snuff out that life is vile. I believe that GOD will judge this nation for abortion and for homosexuality. I don't want to be here when that happens.
Do I sound like some crazy whacked out muslim terrorist? I'm not, not even close. Islam says convert by the sword, or kill. I believe in preaching the truth, and if people do not accept the truth, let GOD deal with them in his time. I do not believe in just patting some one on the back and telling them its all OK. GOD says homosexuality is wrong. He says he will consign to hell for all eternity those who do not repent of their sin. Incidently, he also condemns drunkenness, fornication, and a whole lot of other stuff. If we know a friend of ours is a thief, do we say its OK Bob? NO! we go to him and confront him about what he is doing wrong. Same thing when a friend is cheating on his wife, we don't just laugh and go cool. We tell him its wrong and advise him to quit it! We may not go tell his wife, but we don't condone what is wrong.
So why do we do it with homosexuals? GOD says its wrong, its not in doubt, GOD condemns it, and if we really cared in the lest for some one who is a homosexual, we would confront them with the truth.
If your friend was stumbling blindly toward a cliff, you would not sit back and watch him fall off.
That unfortunately is what we are doing with so much sin today.
Homosexuals are demanding marriage. They are demanding acceptance. Why? Because they know guilt for what they do in their hearts. They know that it is wrong. They want to erase their guilt when it is only them who see it. We walk by blind to what is going on in their lives. Most of the time, we could care less.
So, I support Pastor Knapp. He is right, homosexuality is wrong, and this craziness our nation is going through is destructive.
ObamAA+ has come out in favor of it. That alone should tell you it is wrong. Voters in California said no to homosexual marriage. The Courts have struck down that constitutional ammendment. ObamAA+ says the states should decide, yet his injustice department is aiding the homosexual agenda in California.
The left has push on perverse issues. We have compromised. thy pushed some more, we compromised more. Now we are in a corner. They have pushed and pushed, now there is nothing left. its time to fight back. Do it at the ballot box. Send the lot of the crazy left packing.
General Milley is a cancer on the military
1 hour ago
Oh, and I found a link to listen to his sermon. I wish all ministers were as truth finding and outspoken as he. Our country would be in so much better shape.
Sorry for not posting the link. Honestly, he shook me to the heels. I listened to it twice.
Made me feel sad. Even worse than when I think about our national debt.
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