Monday, July 29, 2013

No rights for victims

That is the mantra of the thug momma Sybrina Fullashit. She and her gangbanging sperm donor want to repeal Stand your Ground laws. Unfortunately, the Floriduh court system has allowed her to profit from her dead criminal spawn.
She should be made to return all the money she extorted from the HOA. Yes, I know, Denny thinks HOA's are evil, but the money comes out of the pockets of honest home owners.
Some one needs to tell that worthless BITCH that her scumbag son got justice, One 9mm in the ticker!


Gregory said...

What is a HOA?

JeremyR said...

Home Owners Association. Many developments have bylaws and a miniture council. The home owners association is responsible for things like making sure yards are mowed, bushes trimmed etc. they also formed the neighborhood watch group that George was captain of. Even though he was not on duty, they got sued. its usually cheaper for the organization to pay through the nose then to fight it through to hte supreme court. Even if they win at every turn, it can be daunting.