Aaron Crowe has his picks, I have mine. It irks me that he could not pass up a shot at Arizona, the express highway from hell to middle America, but that was not his reason.
1. Palm Beach Floriduh. Seriously, these people are the ultimate in stupid, they cannot figure out how to vote, and since they are too retarded to undestand that some folks oppose communism, they assume that the republican votes were all mistakes, since they couldn't figure out how to vote either.
2. San Franfreakshow. Drop your car keys there, and its a tough choice, lose the Lamborghini, or your virginity. The land of fruits and nuts, and what fruit isn't soiled spoiled and rotten is nuts. If you are a perv, it might be an ok place, but for rational family oriented folks, this hell hole is best let to drop into the Pacific.
3. Los Angeles. Smog, crime, illegals galore, gangs galore, If your goal in life is to die of an OD, or from being mugged, go for it. The tax rate is from hell, unemployment is a whopper, even if you don't count the illegals.
4. New York. Just drop your shorts and get set for sharia lawlessness. Mayor bloominidiot is surrendering as I write this.
5. Detroit? dang straight. Unemployment is high, crime is higher, and that is only if you count elected officials.
6. Chicago. Detroit by another name. only bigger.
7. Seattle Tacoma. Liberal loony hell hole. Nuff said.
8.Las Vegas. high unemployment, mecca for gambling addicts, and Harry Reid. What else is there?
9. St Louis. couple it with ESL, and you have another urban shit hole. high crime high unemployment, and a natural dam for the Mississippi rive, so floods.
10. This one was tough. not that I'v run out of choices, there are plenty left, Boston? Newark? a whole list is still there, but my choice for #10 is Washington. Its bad enough its the murder capital of the nation. Its bad enough they have foolish laws and idiots for leaders, but to make it all the worse, every states rejects congregate there in hopes of bribing a vote or three in congress. It is one place that could use a huricane or tornado for urban renewal. Throw a fence arround it and guard towers every hundred yards, and keep America safe.
Now that's a hell of a way to start your week
17 minutes ago
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