The race card is played out. So is the islamophobia one. Defreitas and Kadir got caught fair and square. Seriously, if they were "caught up" by the informant, why didn't THEY turn him in?
Some folks claim there are moderate muslims. I have yet to see it. There might be prayer rug atheists, just as there are C&E Christians, guys going through the motions with no attachment to the faith, but no moderates. Islam calls for the destruction of infidels, you and me, it says its ok to lie to us, steal from us, cheat us any way they can. We are fair game. When a muslim lies to an infidel, it is part of his personal Jihad, his striking out against Christianity, Judeaism, or what ever religion you profess to be, yes even the antitheists are fair game.
Their goal is global conquest, the goal of Christians is to spread the good news. Any one with any doubts needs only look as far as Iran, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia to see what islam is all about. They kill any one who does not believe just like they do. that is why palistidiot on Palistidiot mayhem is far greater then that caused by the IDF, and the IDF is their sworn enemy.
Over at Don Surber today, Geoff made refrence to muslims doing this because they lack for education. One of these asshats was a former diplomat! Frankly, being a baggage handler is no picnic, but its a darn good job.
Our last terror attack was not a poor destitute beggar, he was afluent. There is something wrong wiht Islam. Or is there? Many devout Christians give up promising careers to become missionaries to the worst parts of the world. None of them go there to blow things up, wreak havoc, and cause mass destruction. Religious belief, Christians are willing to die for theirs, muslims are willing to kill for it.
before this is over, we will be forced to decide, tollerate the intollerable, or remove it? TOugh call, but what choice do we have? They say they will die for their cause, lets help em. Too bad the court can't sentence these two to be devoured by an angry sow.
Now that's a hell of a way to start your week
8 minutes ago
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