Does the 14th Ammendment cover the children of illegals? I have maintained for years that children born to parents both of whom are illegals are therefore illegal. If one is a legal resident, then the child has residency of the same sort as THAT parent, so if the parent is a guest on a student visa, so is the kid, and when mom or dad leaves, the kid goes too.
As for the ones born whose mom is illegal, and dad is legal, if the kid stays with dad, fine, or it can be deported with mommy.
Peter Grier has a well written balanced article. he even touches on children of diplomats, who have a bonefide reason for being here, but their kids are NOT prooffered citizenship.
Now to get rid of the bozo in the oval office. Anyone notice how he aint going to Arizona?
Shake Shake Shake! Shake Dat Booty!
18 minutes ago
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