Too many things to comment on regarding this article. First, the timing. Michelle and the wookiette were on the beaches last week. Might it be that the simple jellyfish are scared of wookies? Second, why is it that some reporters have not gotten the memo about glowbull whoring being debunked? Sane folks know its junk science, but media hacks still trot it out. I guess they are not happy that the Wookies almost-a-man has failed in his agenda to destroy America.
Last, they trot it out like its a disaster, and then end by noting its not a recod year, or even near it.
"Spanish marine biologists say, in general, they are seeing fewer jellyfish this summer than in other years. In the Catalonia region and the Balearic islands — both hugely popular with British and German tourists — officials said this summer has been relatively quiet on the jellyfish front."
Go figger.
Now that's a hell of a way to start your week
7 minutes ago
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