When the last time was that porn stars or prostitutes tried to blow up Manhattan? I'm a little foggy on this. Sure, a sex worker destroyed the carreer of Elliot Spitzer, but that was his own suicide, she was just a front row spectator. That has nothing to do with this.
I fail to understand why Nikki Louse Mills wants to compare sexclubs and mosques. I do not oppose the Victory Mosque because I oppose muslims, I oppose what it stands for and what islam stands for. Cordoba? That was a site in Spain where islamic terrorists erected a victory temple to commemorate their win over the Spaniards. We do not need a commemoration to terrorism in New York or any other city. First they wanted to make the flight 57 memorial in hte shape of a crescent facing Macaca. We opposed that. They continue to shove stuff like this down our throats.
As a Christian I consider Islam a pagan religion. According to my beliefs, they are going to hell. That is not what has me up in arms. What Islam teaches has me irate! According to the tenants of islam as told by Mohammed the pedophile, its OK to lie to us. Whether we are Christian Jewish, Antitheists, or any other religion, we do not need to be told the truth. its called "al-Taqiyya" and it means to hide ones faith. Simply put, if an islamist told the truth about what they have in store for western culture, folks like Nikky Louse would shun them. hell, he would probably get a gun and shoot the bastards himself.
Islam is barbaric as well. They treat women worse then cattle, children like dogs, nonmuslim workers in their lands worse still.
Islam says its OK to kill Christians jews, and all none believers. That is my biggest problem with them. your freedom of religion ends at my nose. Actually, I don't want you even that close. If some ninny from nambla tried to end run child sex laws, we would jail him. Hell, we jail the mormon fundamentalists who marry their daughters young and practice poligamy. Islam is no diffrent. If a religion was formed that called for human sacrifice, it would be outlawed here. Since Islam calls for the slaughter of Christians and Jews, or their enslavement, it too should be outlawed.
Now, to give them fair treatment, there are some things about it I agree with. the Burka, Good idea. Women like Hillary Clinton, Janut Reno, and Hell'n Thomas should all wear one. I am glad they keep their ugly women under a tent. Keep America beautiful I say, make Nancy P Lousy wear one as well.
Now that's a hell of a way to start your week
27 minutes ago
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