His family is playing the race card. I call bullshit.

The guy had a cell phone on him. Nearly every one does, and nearly every cell these days has a built in camera. If he had seen a noose and racist screed as his family claims, why didn't he snap a pic? I'll tell you why, because he is a loser, and its genetic. Just like the incident at the capitol where claims abbound that tea partiers used racial slurs, its BS.
This guy is a loser. He got caught stealing. Chances are he knew he had been caught. That is why he went to hte meeting armed. If racial slurs had been thrown at him, racial bias of any kind, the means to record it exist at nominal cost, and are available to all. he blew it, he knew it, Rot in Hell Omar Thornton.
Check this out...
Gotta disagree with the Doc, racism is to blame here. Omar Thornton was a racist.
From another article,"Thornton's ex-girlfriend, Jessica Anne Brocuglio, told The Associated Press on Thursday that he had a history of racial problems with co-workers at other jobs and believed he was denied pay raises because of his race.
She said he told her: "I'm sick of having to quit jobs and get another job because they can't accept me."
Sounds like he had a race problem big time.
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