Come on, you have the audacity to say flat out he is, now prove it. he may have sat in a church pew for a dozen years, that does not make him anything but a pew sitter. Considering that reverend Wrights church spews hate and garbage, calling any one who attends there christian is a stretch. Some one needs to ask him a few tough questions, things from the Bible. Start with a life verse, then ask him about jesus teachings about various aspects of life.
Give him 100 questions, nothing obscure, and I bet he gets less then 10% right. Do the same with Michelle. I bet she scores higher then him.
Here are a few suggestions.
1. What is the oldest book in the Bible? (Job)
2. What is the oldest common ancestor? (Noah)
3. Oldest recorded man?
4. Two men who did not die?
5. Author of Hebrews?
6. First fortelling of Jesus birth?
7. Means of salvation?
8. Ten commandments?
9. Greatest commandment?
10. Number of books in the Bible?
Now that's a hell of a way to start your week
17 minutes ago
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