The left just got a reality check. I know there are a lot of conservatives who are atheists, but it seems to me the vast majority of people who do not believe in any GOD are liberals. part of the liberal mantra is evolution, mother earth, and all that jazz. The poster child of liberalism is often Michael Newdow, the guys who objected to his daughter saying under GOD in the pledge of Allegiance, even though she had accepted Christ and believed in GOD. The whole mishmash of identity politics has many of them embracing islam, not as a religion, but as an ally opposed to Christian values. I really don't care that they don't believe, they are not going to get dragged, kicking and screaming into heaven.
The Constitution is supposed to guarantee freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. To me, that means you can worship how you please where you please when you please as long as you do not cause physical harm or discomfort to other individuals. If you want to sacrifice an animal, fine with me. If you want to sacrifice a human, thats another matter. If the person is agreeable to being cut up and burned on an alter, thats another thing. Some Christians who prostelize really push the limit. They can make you feel really uncomfortable. In the end though, they are not going to kill you for not believing.
As I go about my business I tend to ignore the anti religious symbols such as the fish with feet, or the one made like a flying saucer. I wish the atheists could do the same and ignore religious symbols like crosses and the fish as well. The militant ones don't want to. Maybe they are butt hurt from having Jehovahs witnesses, Mormons, and Baptist missionaries ring their door bell at all hours.
Well, back on Halloween, an atheist group held a parade. Part of their festival was a zombie pope. Catholics might object, I don't, and wouldn't even if I were Catholic. As far as I know, no one objected, at least not like some one did about another of their characters, a zombie Muhammad.
I mock islam all the time, to me, this is funny as heck. What happened to the character, Ernest Perce is decidedly not funny. Seems there was a muslim in the crowd. This scumbag was an immigrant, and he got offended. he Attacked Mr Perce, it was caught on video, and the whole thing went to court.
This is where it goes from bad to worse. The judge was also a muslim. in the end, he came close to sharia law. He dismissed the charges and told Mr Perce he is lucky he didn't get killed for his mockery.
This is a serious WTF moment. I know there are a lot of conservative atheists. I sincerely hope they see the light over this. The identity politics of the left is a danger for America. Embracing islam is a perilous endeavor, something no sane person should do. The enemy of your enemy can be your enemy too, and Atheists who think that tolerating islam is a good thing are in for a shock. They will be eaten as well, just like the Jews who collaborated in the ghetto's of WW2.
For years Christians and atheists have lived here in America side by side. I don't recollect ever hearing about some Christians burning down an atheists house, or any thing like that. Sure, we can be irritating as gnats when we evangelize, sorry if we offend you, its not meant to offend.
In the last few decades the atheists have taken a few shots back. there is piss jesus, and removing crosses and ten commandments monuments from various places. Court battles to no end that have turned the meaning of the 1st amendment on its side.
A tangent here for a moment, Israel has a live and let live attitude regarding homosexuality. It is the only place in the middle east where open display of homosexual affection is allowed. Never mind that islamists in many regions molest little boys, sex between two adult men is punishable by death. Yet the GLBT community is calling for a boycott of Israel over supposed human rights violations against palistidiots. Seriously, are you nuts? The homosexuals should be on the side of Israel. Islamists won't care that you aided their cause by protesting against Israel, you are not muslim, you are gay, you are their enemy, and after they are done using you they will slaughter you.
Its that kind of mentality that helps islamists. Please atheists, think about it. Sure, you don't like a lot of things conservatives stand for, but we are not out to destroy you.
As for this idiot judge, he needs to be removed from the bench and stripped of citizenship, then sent to GITMO, or maybe Somalia. Any one who thinks Islam is compatable with anything needs to think again.
29% "Democratic Party Approval Hits Record Low!" in CNN poll
34 minutes ago
1 comment:
I saw a video on one of these blog sites of a bunch of afghan men having a party. They were cavorting around, shaking their butts like an open invitation to any of the other men to come have anal intercourse with them. Really disgusting to watch and listen to. The blogger pointed out that in afghanistan, to muslims, it isn't homosex because they didn't LOVE the one they were having sex with! Apparantely, loving another adult male is homosexual....
And what would one really expect to happen in countries where the wimmen are sequestered, hidden away? Islam is one phuked-up religion (system of totalitarianism) , and I am surprised that anyone not an arab, would accept it. Second thought, I can see why a lot of guys in prisons accept it,considering as much violence as it preaches.
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