Pete Hoekstra ran an ad in during the Super Bowl which featured a woman of Asian decent riding a bike and thanking Debbie Wasteitnow for all the crazy spending that has made the Chinese economy stronger in the last few years. remember folks we are borrowing the money from China to fund the crazy spending that Washington is doing.
Retarded Asian Man(iac) is up in arms over the ad. From my perspective, the ad attempts to accurately portray how a Chinese woman would actually sound if she were speaking English as a second language, and from my experience with Asian born people gained via the military, She does a very good job. The Asian moron though has set out to destroy her over this. he has tracked down her identity and is lobbing bombs over the internet at her. Never mind the accuracy of her message. The global warming hoax has cost the USA and Europe billions as factories and jobs have been shifted to China and India. More billions are being funneled into the Asian market via carbon offsets. but crazy Asian guy would rather attack it as racist then address the real message. Why? Because he can't. M4GW and a host of others have done a good job of showing just how this hoax has hurt the US. Asian idiot would rather attack Lisa Chan personally then to acknowledge that her message was spot on.
Sadly, Pete is fighting an uphill battle. Cars from Detroit are now referred to by the manufacturer as imports because it is so out of mainstream America. Detroit also is flooded with foreigners who are refusing to assimilate and become Americans preferring to import their brand of hate, islam to the USA and force it down the throats of the people of Michigan.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with racism if the stereo type is not correct. muslims want to kill us, its right there in their book. Some of the stuff he points out is spot on. No woman should be treated like that.
My Asian stereo type is this, They are shorter then average Americans. Have some of the best food on planet earth. yes, I eat Chinese Thai, Japanese, etc several times a week. Typical Asian students study harder then their American counterparts. Oh, and their women are beautiful.
angry Asian needs to understand, We don't fear China out of racism, but because they are the last remaining communist power in the world. We did not go to Korea and Vietnam to oppress those people but to keep them free from communism. That is how South Korea is able to be an economic power even though they are a very small nation, and North Korea is still a black out, both politically, and when viewed from a satellite. We as a free people oppose communism, and any thing that props up a totalitarian regime is a bad thing. We do not wish poverty or calamity on Asian people, we only wish for them freedom to choose how they live. We oppose forcing women to be sterilized, and to have abortions, a practice that has devastated the Chinese family system as men now out number women by a large margin that will have many Asian men unable to find a bride. It is those family edicts by the totalitarian regime that has forced many young girls, babies, to be abandoned into orphanages. The behavior of the Chinese government has caused many adoptions by American families. Girls who are not adopted end up as little more then prostitutes in China. That is a crime in itself.
Most conservative Americans have no bias against people from China. If you want to walk around with a chip on your shoulder and be offended, that's your privilege, but it not racism.
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