It seens that when teh won shoots his mouth off about things in general, he likes to play the if card as often as the race card. We saw it when Travon Martin was justly shot dead for assaulting an armed man, George Zimmerman. Now the knucklehead is spouting off about football.
A lot has been made about head injuries by athletes. Personally, I think theywere that way to begin with... or not. ObamAA- says if he had a son he would discourage him from playing football. What if the kid was built like Moochelle? He could play middle linebacker for any pro club.
The commie bastards is also now claiming he regularly shoots skeet at Camp David. Wanna buy some good ocean front property in Kansas? he and gaffer Joe are using the same BS err talking points on guns. gaffer thinks we need double barrel shotguns for home defense. OK Fine, what happens when we get invaded by a team of three or four?
The facts of the matter is the kenyawn needs to just shut up. We are sick of his lies, tired of his speculation, and wondering just what caused people, any people to vote for him. I still think the election was stolen, but there will never be a way to prove it, the machines are rigged to prevent forensic analisis.
In ending, I will say this. If ObamAA- had a son, he wouldn't play football, he'd be a drug dealing thug just like Travon, and likely get shot just as dead, just as young. It, after all, is the Chicago way.
In The Mailbox: 11.22.24
3 hours ago
I think that the election was stolen too. I remember reports of a precinct in Florida that had 2 registered voters, but had 900+ votes cast for obungler. Republicans better start pulling the same crap or they will never get into a major office again.
Let's see, if I have to register to exercise my God-given right to own guns, then I guess we ALL should register to exercise our right to vote. Once. Until Democrats are required to show ID at polling places, I'm not registering my guns.
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