Monday, January 14, 2013

It is a dog eat dog world

Jodie Foster has come out of the closet. Not much of a secret for those who care, I don't, but she tattled at the Golden Globe Awards. She had been in a long time affair with St.Cydney Bernard, and when I saw pictures, I went Eeew! Foster isn't much in the looks department, her peak was as a teen star a very long time ago. Cydney though is barker material. She has a face that would make a freight train take a gravel road. it leads me to wonder though about what makes the looks. I have known a number of women who were lesbians. All of them lost their looks early on, and by the time they were 40 were flat out ugly. The crazy thing is, I know two twin sisters where one is straight and the other a lesbian. They were identical, but where as the straight on still has destinct feminine grace and beauty, the lesbian now looks like your steriotypical dyke. There is a story about when da Vinci painted the Last Supper. He found a man with good looks charm and grace for Jesus, and soon after found suitable models for each of the eleven apostles, all save Judas. Finally a man was found, a criminal awaiting execution, a man who had soiled his life with booze women of ill repute, and crime. When Leonardo was done, he gave the guars their leave to take the man away for execution, where upon the man cried out to him, "do you not recognize me?" It was with a start the a da Vinci realized this was the same man whom he had modeled for Jesus some ten or more years prior. When you look into the eyes of an old miner you see the years of hard work and wear. When you look upon a drunk yo usee the destruction of booze. I believe it is also true when you look at a person wh has given themselves over to the lust that GOD forbids. So while Hollywood cheers, I mourn. Every life lost like that is a life for which GOD had other plans now wasted. I pick my films based on the stars in them and what they stand for. Silence of the Lambs is not on my list of must see pictures.

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