Monday, August 27, 2012

Some thing Greg said

Loyal commenter Gregory called me on the carpet about kids and drugs. Here is evidence to show how right he is. Now, to be clear, my first thought when I saw the article was nothing about Greg, but about ObamAA+ as in here we go again, the press is covering for the village idiot from Kenya Hawaii.
It also explains why so many people have ObamAA+ 2012 stickers on their vehicles when he has drive the price of gas through the roof.
On the other side of the coin I can't help but wonder if McInsane would have been much better. At least this way we can spend the next twenty years blaming the democrats for this gross assault on American wealth.
Some idiots think that by destroying the wealthy we raise every one else. Guess again. Poor folks don't buy much beyond food. Its the spending of middle class folks that drives America forward. Forcing them to fork out more money to ObamAA+s Arab buddies, his extended family if you will, aint building anything for America.
Back to the issue of drugs. I really don't care if an informed adult decides to destroy his life with drugs. Most people screw up their lives in some fashion whether its drugs, beer, women, money, or my addiction, guns. We all get off course, and some people crash and burn, making interesting drive by commentary to distract us from our pathetic lives. When its a kid though, I am strongly reminded of Jesus' words, better a mill stone....
So next time you get the opportunity, give a liberal a pair of scissors and an excuse to run on rocky ground. And remember, if they hurt themselves, it might save a child.


Gregory said...

Thanks Jeremy. Wish I could pull my bus over and force every kid on it to read that article you hyperlinked. Only faulty part of the article is not detailing how poor those pot smoking 18 year olds math and memory skills---How very poor.

Gregory said...

About Ann Romneys got rave reviews buy the conservatives but, as I posted elsewhere:
I listened to about 9 minutes of Anns speech before I couldn't take it anymore. Women are responsible for the VAST majority of divores in this country. That means that they are responsible for the destruction of the core American Family. That is why so many young men of today are high school dropouts and too cowardly to join the military....or to drugged out. Romney thinks that ALL MOTHERS are as good at holding a family together as her. As wondrous at being morally upright... Pfftt !! She has her head up there and locked. But, I'll still vote for mitt this fall.

Gregory said...

divorces, not divores....