Sunday, March 10, 2013

Like its the Christians fault

mob of islamofascists has attacked and burned the homes of many Christians in Pakistan. Supposedly its about some one blaspheming the child molester Mohammed. Did they tell the truth abouy him and his followers? I doubt it. The sickos. mooslimes, make shit up when they want an excuse, or they just count on the US(eless) State disapointment to come up wiht an excuse for them.
In any case, Christians are again being attacked in an islamic country.
This time the Christians are fighting back. Don't expect it to last long. They are facing the full government of the fanatics who shielded Osama bin Fishfood for several years. We should step in, our dumbass pResident won't do anything unless he decides to send aid to the islamists.
Yes, it pisses me off that our deer lreader does nothing. Maybe I'll go out and blow up another koran. I didn't post the videos from this years shoot because of what happened in Libya. Turns out it wasn't over any movie, just lies and more lies. Still, I don't need the retard's pet goon squad knocking on my door. You don't either.

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