Friday, March 8, 2013

Something to start your day off right

Same social worker goes to another back woods cabin and knocks on the door, a terribly deformed little boy answers. Some what shocked the social worker asks, "Hello there, is your mother home?"
The little boy replys, "No, she's in an institution."
"Oh I see" said the social worker, "How about your father, is he home by chance?"
"No", said the little boy, "He's in an institution too."
"Oh I see" said the social worker, "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
The little boy says, "Yeah, I got me a sister, but she's not here either, she's at Harvard."
Totally confused and wondering how this little boy would have anyone from his shallow gene pool at Harvard, the social worker politely asks, "Interesting, what's your sister in, pre-med? Pre-law?"
"Nah" says the little boy, "She's in a jar."

1 comment:

hiswiserangel said...

again, my love, something terribly wrong with you.... ;-)