One of Barry Soetoro's signature projects is a pile of ruble and settling dust where the FIU Pedestrian bridge collapsed mere days after being set in place.This was touted as a project that would create many jobs. I guess putting a bunch of PITLA liars err lawyers back to work is a good thing? You know the personal injury trial lawyers in that area are frothing at the mouth. So far six former residents are shovel ready. Good job MCM!
Back in the 30's, when FDR was implementing socialist programs to further the great depression, things like this were created. They over engineered them back then, so many of those structures are still standing. Today, when they want a bridge to hold 10,000 pounds, they build it to hold only 10,000 lbs. Saddam's army lasted longer before it collapsed. OK, it was only 100 hours from the time we invaded, but we blasted them to hell and gone first. Barry's bridge didn't even make it to a hurricane.
The TIGER program has been used to funnel fast tracked money to many projects across the nation. We have had several in our area. None of them were truly necessary, and they were not well thought out. Wasted money, now wasted lives. But hey, this was all about keeping a bunch of liberal college snow flakes from getting their Darwin awards because they are too stupid to navigate a busy road. We have the same problem around the universities in Kansas.
One thing I noticed in the many articles I read about this. The scholars at FIU are mostly Arabic names. That leads me to believe that these guys were foreign arrivals who attended the University, then stayed. If that is the case, do any of them have practical real world experience? Sad to say, even when they have Anglo names, they are usually school fodder. They attend the school, get a job as a teaching assistant, and hag on like a bad case of the flu.
Some years back I worked with a student who had grown up working with his civil engineer father. Jr was attending Kansas State, and working on the side for the same company I worked for. Jr had been accompanying his father to jobs, big and small, from the time he was old enough to hold his head up. We all know what that means. If Jr wants ice cream with his happy meal, he is gonna be "Helping" dad. That might mean holding one end of a tape measure, or standing with the stick. He might be holding the books while dad studies the map, and whether he wanted to or not, some of what dad did rubbed off.
This guy was telling me that many of the methods they taught at KSU were impractical in the field. Some flat out DID NOT WORK! The students would run all over campus surveying, measuring, and making drawings.
My point? This bridge too far was a blue ribbon project of the university. It was not something designed by the Florida DOT. Coupe that with a low bid contractor, and you have no one looking at this going "It won't work!"
Here is another thought, Why didn't they make a tunnel instead? The load limits are much easier since you would be spanning six to twenty feet depending on how wide you made the thing. It could have been done in small sections, close one lane, build under it. Close the second lane, build half under it, then open lane one, and so on until you reached the other side. The stupids were going to be going up and down steps either way, and you would have had the option to install a ramp, or even connect it to one of the nearest buildings on campus so that there would be elevator access.
Too wet? Might flood? New York has subways below sea level that require constant pumping. Hell, we keep the water out of New Orleans too even if we shouldn't. It can be done, and much cheaper than the millions wasted murdering six plus unsuspecting drivers. Sure, they don't get the nice view like a bridge provides, but give a few Miami Dade school students a can of spray paint, and you have no end to the "art" displays. besides, all you'd have been able to see is more modern buildings. Might as well look at graffiti.
Considering that these PITLA liars are gonna be liberals, this is just funneling money to the democrap coffers, and working folks to coffins.
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They used to bring the engineers to the building projects. That exposure to what really works is critical feedback.
Of course in the old days, people worked their way up from real jobs, and could use hard won common sense to keep the over educated from getting people killed.
Kind of fixed itself.
The company my brother worked for used to get engineering stupids as interns. They would show up the first day in dress shirts and ties.... and push wheelbarrow for eight hours. Then complain to the school that they were mistreated.
Where I worked, we had plenty of school enlighten engineers. A big part of my job was making what they designed work. It got to the point that they would give me a rough idea, I would build it, they would come out and watch it being test ran, snap a bunch of photos, then come back later to measure it all. The programming for the smart controllers was interesting. Some of them though every thing needed a smart controller. We mechanics could usually make it work better with out them. They certainly have their place, but not in a shop built machine that is a one of a kind.
The guy I mentioned was one of the few who could design something that worked as drawn. He was also the one I turned to when an operator presented an idea that I built that we needed management approval to put into standard usage.
We were a motion control company. We made hydraulic and pneumatic hoses for industry from Caterpillar to GM. Our engineers who were responsible for overseeing the maintenance wanted to be the guys designing the actuators and drives for NASA.
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