Four players, one from Oklahoma and three from Kansas were stripped of team captaincy. Baker Mayfield grabbed his crotch after a score against the Jayhawks, but the bad manners started with the coin toss as Jayhawk Captains Dorance Armstrong Jr., Daniel Wise and Joe Dineen Jr. refused to shake Mayfield's hand.
Poor conduct on the part of players is becoming an epidemic. Many of us have boycotted the NFL for their pro thug stance, and I have switched off the college games as well. I have long made fun of college athletics. If KSU's vet med program had the same placement ratio as the football squad, they would shutter the damn thing. Too many of the players would never make it to a college campus except to be janitors if it wasn't for college football. When they leave all they take with them are the injuries.
Maybe I should revise that, I think even the janitorial staff is a few grades higher. Athletics have a place. teaching all young men and women self confidence and control as well as sportsmanship and teamwork are worthy endeavors. The days are long past when participation was a part of the curriculum. I would have no problem with bringing it back and ending the athletic scholarship programs.
In fact, I think they should make the game a real challenge. Two hours prior to kick off, pair each player with his opposing teams player, set them down at a table and have them compete in a battle of the minds. Take an academic test. Have each school prepare tests, twenty questions, general subjects. submit those tests to the NCAA, then the NCAA distribute those tests for the game in sealed envelops containing two sets for the paired athletes. every pair of players has a different test. on completion they are scored, and ankle weights given to every player based on how they scored. 100%? No weights, 50% five pounds each leg, below 30% Benched! How come I expect some teams would forfeit games? Even if the tests were written by the coaches?
The UN is full of people like this...
5 minutes ago
Funny. Loved reading this. And I think about the same way as you but I don't ever come up with good ideas like ankle weights....
It popped into my head as I was writing.
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